Monday, November 11, 2013

Thank you volunteers

We would like to thank all the volunteers that came to help at the Day of the dead community event 2013.

Special thanks to:

Jessica Wells, student majoring in Spanish from the Ohio State University.
Neha Nidhi, Resident Advisor-Office of student Life, The Ohio State University
Olivia King, Student majoring in Spanish at Ohio State University
Mik Heslin Creative Make up-face painting
Laura Garcia
Margarita Revilla
The Prochaska Family
Maria Duque
Ramona Reyes
Diana Pagan
Sobrinos Revilla
Iris Reategui
Rodolfo Vazquez
Ruben Castilla
Julie & Brian
Pastor Paul Ernst

Parkview United Methodist Church
Big thanks to Evolve that provide us with 2 gift certificates!
Cilantro Truck