Monday, October 12, 2009

The death like a dualidad with the life

In Mexico from time of the preclassic culture, ( 2.000 years A.C. ), just as the teotihuacanos, toltecas, Aztecs, huaxtecos, totonacas, otomíes, puréchas, mixtecos, zapotecos, Mayan, etcetera, they practiced the cult to the death and their rites were similar.

They conceived the death like a dualidad with the life and this we can appreciate it in diverse sculptures that exist at the present time, like skulls with emaciated half found in the city of Mexico and Oaxaca. In found even figures one incarnated and another skeletal one in the Huasteca. Representations with the single death and of the deities of the same one in all the archaeological zones.

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